Yardah Tarantella a.k.a."Cheekie" From her first day she had an independence attitude -- rather too much at the beginning and we called her nickname "Firecracker." Now she is very obliging.
Sadly, I did not have the camera as a walking stick and barrow of hay was enough without the camera as well.
However, I stood back and thought of the lesson that they all can show us and about human behaviour.
A leader needs the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous. But what he/she's doing is so simple, it's almost instructional and it is not that hard as the leader knows the vision and the end result. It takes real guts to be the first committed follower! "Cheekie." The first follower stands out and braves ridicule. What if there had not been any hay around the corner. The others preferred to snigger and would rather to miss out, than take a chance about the hay. However when, Yardah Enigma "Erin" also chased the hay, the other 4 thought they had missed out on something.
Look at the video above 5:35. "Cheeky" thought she would just have a little drink from a different mare, Mayfair. Yep, "Cheeky" will always be a pioneer.
Will try to write a Yardah report on regular basis.
Do really want to tell you the story about "Erin" jumping two incredible jumps for a 10 month. Will take a bit of words challenge for me to describe the situation. Unbelievable.
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